a creative sanctuary for the highly sensitive


a creative sanctuary for the highly sensitive *

Upcoming Events

The heart of Scatterhouse Studio is the creation of safe, meaningful, and nourishing spaces for people who feel out of place in a fast-paced, judgmental, and overly demanding world. This isn’t just services or experiences—it’s a way of being in the world that you deeply long for but may not even realize exists. We work with various arts based practices as an entry point to the soul, granting us access to the mysteries that language alone cannot reach. Enriching our lives as creative, collaborative and curious beings apart of the landscape… along the way growing our capacity to be a human, as it’s not always pretty.

Everything here is intentionally designed as a slow, steady unfolding—practices, not destinations. A third way that is neither striving to get ahead nor falling behind, but instead moving in rhythm with your own season of life.

What We Value

Permission to be unproductive—Rest, slowness, and play are not wasted time.
Support to distribute resources—We uplift each other by collaborating creatively to best distribute time, energy, and care.
Growing capacity for self-acceptance and accountability—Creative inquiry expands our ability to hold both self-compassion and integrity.
Always saying YES to creativity!